The most effective overall, downdraft paint spray booths are fully enclosed just like cross flow paint spray booths. However, incoming air is drawn through ceiling-mounted filters.
There are several variations on the automotive downdraft spray paint booths design: some use pits below the floor to draw air straight down, while others use “semi-downdraft” or “side downdraft” designs that pull incoming air down and to the sides or back of the booth. This particular unit is a “True Pitted Downdraft Paint Spray Booth”.
The filtered exhaust air is pulled through the exhaust plenum and discharged straight up and into the atmosphere through an exhaust stack. (Optional Equipment)
These paint spray booths come in a wide range of widths, depths and heights to meet your needs.
GFS Auto Refinish Brochure
Standard Paint Spray Booth Equipment Includes:
Optional Paint Spray Booth Equipment Includes: